Special offers

We have carefully selected our special offers and packages for you to experience the best of Montenegro.

Suite Dream
Treat yourself to a luxurious stay in one of our signature suites with up to 20% off and roundtrip transfer.
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Geba's Treasures
Take advantage of a 25% off with our exclusive promo code GEBA.
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Discover Montenegro
Exclusive for this spring! Enjoy accommodation with 15% off, a welcome dinner with a view of Sveti Stefan Island and one of our signature excursions.
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Romantic Getaway
Escape from your daily routine and spend an unforgettable romantic getaway on the seaside with a 15% off.
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Early Bird
Plan your holidays in advance and stay in our luxurious guest rooms and suites with 10% off.
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Summer Escape
Your carefree summer journey begins with Villa Geba! Don't hesitate a minute to book your suite for July & August with a 30% off and roundtrip transfer.
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Long Stay Offer
Stay in one of our luxurious suites for 30 nights or more with up to 50% off and get extra benefits at the restaurant and SPA.
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